Cheng Lab collaborates with Office of Technology Partnerships
August 25, 2021
We are pleased to announce the opening of two commercialization projects using our latest biosensing technology developments. We are excited to be working with Office of Technology Partnerships, and the project landing pages can be found here: https://techtransfer.
Alex Lambert wins Best Poster Award at Biosensors 2021
August 2, 2021
Congratulations to Alex and coworkers for winning the Best Poster Award at the 31st World Congress on Biosensors (BIOSENSORS 2021). Their poster, “High-performing SPR biosensing with aluminum thin films”, coauthored by Alex Lambert, Santino Valiulis, Alex Malinick, and Ichiro Tanabe, was one of the 6 winners out of ~600 posters. Well done guys!
Also at this conference, Alex Malinick was invited to give an oral presentation on his work “Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging in combination with Ganglioside Microarray and Deep Learning for Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Biomarkers in Patient Serum”, coauthored by Alex Lambert and Daniel Stuart. Congratulations to all authors!
Andy Burris Defends Dissertation
July 13, 2021
Congratulations to our own Andy Burris on successfully defending his dissertation! Way to go Andy!
Cheng Lab out in full force at UC Chemical Symposium
March 30, 2019
Cheng Lab had a huge showing at the 4th annual UC Chemical Symposium. Liza, Kelvin, and Zhengdong gave research talks, and Liza won the overall award for best analytical presentation! Alex L zoomed though with a lightning talk, and Santino, Bochao, Alex M, and Daniel all presented posters on their projects.
Cheng Lab visits Pittcon 2019
Several members of Cheng lab (Kelvin, Liza, Santino and Alex L) visited and presented at Pittcon 2019 in Philadelphia. We had a great time sharing our work with other great researchers!
Pete Shanta Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation
Cheng Lab's Pete Shanta successfully defended his PhD dissertation, "Functional Nanosurfaces for Environmental and Toxicological Monitoring in Complex Matrices: Studies with SERS, FRET, and MALDI-MS", yesterday. The lab gathered today to celebration his journey through graduate school. Congratulations Pete!
Cheng Lab Undergraduates Present Research at UCR Symposium
This week, Chenglab undergraduate students Vani Bhardwaj and Chathu Keerthisinghe took part in the 2018 UC Riverside Undergraduate Research Symposium. They both presented posters on their work and shared their research with numerous attendees. Great job!
Cheng Lab Travels to Pittcon 2018 in Orlando, Fl
Chenglab's Kelvin Tran had a great time attending Pittcon 2018 in Orlando, FL this year, where he presented a poster on his work just after successfully advancing to PhD candidacy at UCR. Way to go Kelvin!
Cheng Lab Holds Annual Beach Party in Newport
The group gathered for the annual beach party, this year held at Newport Beach in Orange County. It was a beautiful day with a great turnout from the lab, as well as friends and family. The rough waves left for little swimming, yet spectacular views, and everyone had a good time. Can't wait until next year!
Kristy McKeating Represents Cheng Lab at SciX 2016
Kristy traveled to SciX 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota this month. While there, she gave a poster presentation, entitled, "Nanoparticle Enhanced SPRi as a Diagnostic Platform for the Early Detection of Acute Organ Injury" as well as an invited oral presentation, entitled, "Signal Enhancement at a Lipid Bilayer Interface for SPR Imaging". Kristy also had the opportunity to interact and reconnect with many prominent researchers in the field of plasmonics.
Prof. Cheng Receives Distinguished Advisor Award from Environmental Toxicology
Sam Hinman Receives Earl C. Anthony Travel Fellowship and Student Affairs Award
Pete Shanta Successfully Advances to Ph.D. Candidacy
Hyojik Yang Successfully Defends His Ph.D. Dissertation
Hyojik Yang (HJ) successfully defended his thesis today, entitled, "Surface-Assisted Affinity Purification Mass Spectrometry (SAAP-MS) for Determination of Enzyme Activities". The group held a celebratory lunch at Oishii Sushi near downtown Riverside. Congratulations Dr. Yang, and best of luck in your future endeavors!
Sam Hinman Receives Dissertation Year Fellowship
Cheng Lab Travels to the 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting
Cheng Lab Travels to Pittcon 2016 in Atlanta, GA